Venue Type & Location
Private Residence
Site Name: Gore Court
Location: near Maidstone
County: Kent
Location Type: Town - near town at determined location
Located immediately S of Otham, it is unclear whether the present 15th c. timber house incorporates parts of or is built on the site of the earlier house of the de Valoyns family.
Performance History
Possible performance venue. A trumpeter patronized by Sir Stephen de Valoyns was rewarded at Dover in 1366.
Current Status
History of the Venue
13th c. Lands at Otham acquired by William de Valoigns.
late 14th c. Purchased by the Pimpe family.
1440--70 New house built.
by 16th c. Acquired by the Isley family.
1554 Forfeited to the Crown by Sir Henry Isley following the Wyatt rebellion.
mid-16th c. Granted to Sir Walter Henley. Acquired via marriage with Helen, his co-heir, by Thomas Colepeper (Philipot, Kent Surveyed 263).
Record Source
REED Kent: Diocese of Canterbury 2.310
Patrons who owned this venue
Name | Date | Titles |
Valoyns, Stephen de | 0-1382 | Knight |
Bibliographic Sources
- Greenstreet, James. 'The Kent Branch of the Valoigns Family'. The Reliquary 16 (1875--6): 97--102.
- Pearson, Sarah, P.S. Barnwell and A.T. Adams. A Gazetteer of Medieval Houses in Kent. London: HMSO for the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1994
- Philipott, Thomas [and John Philipott]. Villare Cantianum: Or Kent Surveyed and Illustrated. 1659. London: William Godbid, 1664