Derby Hall

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Venue Type & Location

Private Residence

Site Name: Derby Hall
Location: near Boston
County: Lincolnshire
Location Type: Town - near town at determined location


Little has been discovered about the 16th c. residence of Derby Hall, located a few miles NE of Boston in low-lying fenland countryside.

Performance History

Probable performance venue. Although no family records survive, a musician patronized by Sir Thomas Derby appeared elsewhere in the late 16th c.

Current Status


History of the Venue

ca. 1200 Derby family resident in the area of Leverton.

16th c. Derby Hall probably built E of the main road between Leverton and Leake.

by early 19th c. Derby Hall divided into 5 tenements.

1872 'Thereafter there is no mention of Derby Hall. It was, by this time very old and no doubt in some need of attention, if indeed there was a hall there at all in this period. The area could have been known as Derby Hall after the demise of the hall itself because we only see one name farming there as opposed to as many as five when the property was divided into five tenements' (Leverton History Group, Book of Leverton 14).

Record Source

REED Coventry 310

Patrons who owned this venue

Name Dates Titles
Derby, Thomas 0-1589

Bibliographic Sources

  • Allen, Thomas. The History of the County of Lincoln, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. London & Lincoln: John Saunders, Junior, 1834.
  • Leverton History Group. The Book of Leverton: Life and Times in Our Lincolnshire Marshland Village. Heighington: TUCANN, 2004.
  • Royle, Freda. Old Leake, 12th Century to the Millennium. Freiston: Richaprint Limited, nd.