Venue Type & Location
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Performance History
No relevant household accounts survive, but payments were made by the town to entertainers of Arthur Newton (1527--8 and 1532--3) and to entertainers of the Lords President, Henry Sidney, (1582/3, 1592--3) and Ralph Eure (1608--9, 1609--10)
Current Status
History of the Venue
1501 Granted to Philip Newton, Clerk of the Signet to the Council in the Marches of Wales, and father of Arthur Newton; presumably passed to Arthur upon the death of his father in 1524, after which time the Council lodged at the Abbey.
1537 Newton's house purchased by the town for the use of the Council; 1558-9 the town paid to have the roof tiled and windows glazed. 1563 house was let to Lord Stafford, with the agreement that the Council could continue to use it.
16th-17th c. Used as a residence by the Council in the Marches of Wales when they met in Shrewsbury.
1620 Jacobean gateway added to enclose the yard, controlling access from the roadway.
Nothing known about history of the house after the Council ceased to use it.
Record Source
REED Shropshire 1.187, 191, 237, 277, 293, 300
Patrons who owned this venue
[No data found.]