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Venue Type & Location

Town Hall


The timber-framed Boothall was located on the S side of Westgate Street, between Berkeley Street and Upper Quay Lane.

Current Status


History of the Venue

1192 First recorded as the guildhall.

1216 Named as the Boothall.

1529--36 Rebuilt.

1593--4 'New hall' built.

1606 Rebuilt and enlarged to create separate court rooms, including a new great hall and election chamber.

1761 Following a fire, S end rebuilt in brick.

18th c. Continued as a venue for concerts, plays and travelling shows as well as for county courts and wool and leather markets.

1816 Court use ceased in favour of the new Shire Hall. Boothall subsequently used as a coach house and stables for the Boothall Hotel.

ca. 1850 Mostly rebuilt.

1868 Sold by the Corporation. Thereafter housed at various times a music hall, skating rink, theatre and cinema.

mid-1870s Partly rebuilt after a fire.

1957 Demolished and the site included in the Shirehall during its enlargement in the 1960s.

Record Source

REED Cumberland/Westmorland/Gloucestershire

Patrons who owned this venue

[No data found.]

Bibliographic Sources

  • Atkyns, Sir Robert. The Ancient and Present State of Glostershire. London: W. Bowyer, 1712
  • Baker, Nigel and Richard Holt. Urban Growth and the Medieval Church. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2004
  • Dancey, C.H. Gloucester guild hall, called boothall [manuscript]. Np: Npub, nd
  • Garrod, Anthony P. and Carolyn Heighway. Garrod's Gloucester. Gloucester: Western Archaeological Trust, 1984
  • Hannam-Clark, Theodore. Drama in Gloucestershire. Gloucester: Minchin and Gibbs, 1928
  • Herbert, N.M. A History of the County of Gloucester. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1988
  • Johnson, Joan. Tudor Gloucestershire. Gloucester: Alan Sutton, 1985
  • Lobel, Mary Doreen and William Henry Johns. Historic Towns: Maps and Plans of Towns and Cities in the British Isles, with Historical Commentaries from Earliest Times to 1800. 3 vols. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins P, [1969]-89
  • Page, William, ed. The Victoria History of the County of Gloucester. 9 vols. London; London: A. Constable [vol 2]; Oxford UP [vols 4-11], 1907--2001
  • Rudder, Samuel. A New History of Gloucestershire . Cirencester: Samuel Rudder, 1779
  • Rudge, Thomas. The History and Antiquities of Gloucester, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Gloucester: J. Wood, 1811
  • Verey, David, and Alan Brooks. Gloucestershire. 2 vols. London: Penguin Books, 1999--2002