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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
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Title Type Number of Events Found
Yallah Gal, De Song 0 event(s)
Yaller Busha Belle, The Song 3 event(s)
Yaller Corn, De Song 0 event(s)
Yankee Doodle Song 3 event(s)
Yankee Doodle upon his Little Pony; or, Harlequin, How many Horses has your Father got in his Stable? Play 2 event(s)
Yankee Doodle; or, Harlequin on his Pony Sketch 1 event(s)
Yankee Land Song 1 event(s)
Yankee Nigger Ball Song 2 event(s)
Yankee Notes! For English Circulation Play 1 event(s)
You'll See Them on the Ohio Song 12 event(s)
Young Flora Song 0 event(s)
Young Nigger of Ohio, Dis Song 1 event(s)