A World Made by Atoms

Small atoms of themselves a world may make,
For, being subtle, every shape they take.[note]For, being subtle, every shape they take.] As being subtle, and of every shape 1653[/note]
And as they dance about, they[note]they] fit 1653[/note] places find;
Such forms as[note]Such forms as] Of Forms, that 1664, 1668[/note] best agree make every kind.
For when we build a[note]a] an 1664, 1668[/note] house of brick or[note]or] and 1653[/note] stone,      5
We lay them even, every one by one:
And when we find a gap that’s big or small,
We seek out stones to fit that place withal.
For when as they[note]as they] not fit 1653[/note] too big or little be,
They fall away and cannot stay, we see.                   10
So atoms as they dance find places fit;
They there remain, lie close, and fast will stick.[note]They there remain, lie close, and fast will stick.] And there remaining close and fast will knit. 1664; And there remaining, close and fast will knit: 1668[/note]
Those which not fit,[note]which not fit,] that unfit 1653[/note] the rest that rove about
Do never leave, until they thrust them out.
Thus by their several motions, and their forms,[note]several motions, and their forms,] Forms and Motions they will be, 1664; Forms and Motions, they will be 1668[/note]   15
As several workmen serve each other’s turns.[note]As several workmen serve each other’s turns.] Like work-men, which amongst themselves agree; 1664; Like Work-men, which amongst themselves agree; 1668[/note]
And so[note]so] thus 1653[/note] by chance[note]This line has a stop-press correction in the first edition: in exactly two of the thirty-four copies of the 1653 Poems and Fancies that I have consulted–those held at the Bodleian Library (shelfmark P 1.22 Jur.Seld.) and the Stanford University Library–this line reads “change” instead of “chance”. This indicates that “change” was originally set in error, and was corrected to “chance”.[/note] may a new world create,
Or else, predestinate, may work by[note]may work by] to worke my 1653; may work by 1664; may work by 1668. In 2 copies of the 1653 edition that I have examined (those held at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and the Yale Beinecke Library), this “my” has been changed to “by” or “By” by hand. [/note] Fate.