Grenville Town House

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Venue Type & Location

Private Residence

Site Name: Grenville Town House
Location: Bideford
County: Devon
Location Type: Town - in town at determined location


The late medieval town house of the Grenville family is long gone and little is known about it.

Performance History

A possible performance venue. Bideford was among the holdings of the Grenville family, which patronized entertainers who appeared elsewhere in Devon in the 15th and 16th c.

Current Status

Unknown location, probably demolished.

History of the Venue

12th c. Grenville family acquired the manor of Bideford.

By late 15th c. Grenville family had a town house on the quay. Old Ford House, 'a much altered medieval stone hall-house' (Cherry and Pevsner, Devon 179) near the River Torridge, has been speculatively identified with the Grenvilles but without conclusive evidence.

Record Source

REED Devon 35, 224

Patrons who owned this venue

Name Dates Titles
Grenville, Richard 1495-1551 Knight
Grenville, Thomas 0-1514 Knight

Bibliographic Sources

  • Cherry, Bridget, and Nikolaus Pevsner. Devon. The Buildings of England. London: Penguin Books, 1989.
  • Rowse, A.L. Sir Richard Grenville of The Revenge: an Elizabethan Hero. London: Jonathan Cape, 1937.
  • Snell, F.J. North Devon. London: Black, 1906.