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Africans, The; Or, The Horrors of the Slave Trade ; epiid: 506


Africans, The; Or, The Horrors of the Slave Trade




  • called an "old play" in 1846 (Era. October 18, p10);
  • in Three Acts
  • Performance(s) listed of this act

    Performer(s) Troupe Event and Venue
    Africans Troupe (Glasgow, 46) Dramatic, -
    Adelphi Theatre, Lanark
    Jones, Ersser Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Seaman Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Higgie, T.H. Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Johnson, J.T. Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Dale Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Searle, W, Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Edgar Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Richardson, Miss Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Lee, Mrs. G. Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Terry, Miss E. Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Andrews, Miss Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Edgar , Miss Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Greville, Miss Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Terry, Miss M. Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)
    Africans Troupe (London-Vic, 45) Dramatic, -
    Royal Victoria Theatre, London (city-county)