The Hamilton Minstrels (Amateur) (1890), 26 May 1890


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venue map legend

Event Type

Minstrel Show


Location: Hamilton
County: Wentworth
Type: Minstrel Show
Venue: Grand Opera House
Date: 26 May 1890
Date notes:


"The Hamilton Minstrels (amateur) for the benefit of Manager Reche drew a large house, and everyone was well pleased with the entertainment. During the evening Capt. J. J. Stuart, the interlocuter, presented Mr. Reche with an elegant gold watch on behalf of the staff of the theatre. Mr. Reche then made a short speech in which he thanked the staff of the house, Mr. Stuart, and the co. for the very kind manner in which they had treated him"

New York Dramatic Mirror, 7 June 1890, p. 12