Category: POEMS
The Fairy Queen’s Kingdom
[note]Queen’s Kingdom] Queen. 1653[/note] The Fairy Queen’s large kingdom, got by birth, Is in the midst and[note]midst and] circled 1653[/note] center of the Earth, Where there are many springs and running streams, Whose waves do glister by the Queen’s bright beams, Which makes them murmur as they pass away, 5 Because by…
Fame’s Library within the Temple
[note]Temple] Temples 1653[/note] In Fame’s great library are records[note]In Fame’s great library are records] Fames Library, where old Records are 1653[/note] placed; What act’s not there, into oblivion’s[note]there, into oblivion’s] here unto oblivion 1653[/note] cast. There stand the shelves[note]stand the shelves] stands the skelves 1653[/note] of time, where books do lie, Which books are tied…
The Temple of Fame
This temple is divided in two parts: Some open lie, others obscure[note]obscure] are Hid 1664 are hid, 1668[/note] as hearts; Some light as day, others are[note]are] as 1653, 1668[/note] dark as night, By time’s obscurity worn out of sight. The outward rooms are[note]are] all 1653[/note] glorious to the eye, 5 In which Fame’s image placed…
Fame on her nimble wings doth[note]Fame on her nimble wings doth] Then on her wings doth Fame those 1653[/note] actions bear, Which fly about, and carry’m everywhere. Sometime she overloaded[note]overloaded] Over-loaden 1664; over-loaden 1668[/note] is with all, And then some down into oblivion fall. But those that would[note]would] will 1664, 1668[/note] to Fame’s high temple…
The Temple of Honor
Honor’s brave temple’s[note]temple’s] Temple is 1653[/note] built both high and wide, Whose walls are of clear glass on every side, Where actions of all sorts are perfect seen, Where Truth, the[note]the] as 1653[/note] priest, approves which worthiest[note]worthiest] worthy’st 1653[/note] been, And[note]And] Who 1664, 1668[/note] on the altar of the world them lays, 5 And offers…
The House of Shame, wherein Dishonor Lives
[note]The House of Shame, wherein Dishonor Lives] Between Shame and Dishonour. 1653[/note] Dishonor in the house of shame doth dwell; The way is broad, and open is as[note]is as] like the 1664, 1668[/note] Hell. The porter’s he whom Baseness we[note]The porter’s he whom Baseness we] Yet Porter have, which Basenesse some 1653[/note] do call, And…
The Allegory of Shepherds Is too Mean for Noble Persons.
[note]The Allegory of Shepherds Is too Mean for Noble Persons.] A Shepherds imployment is too meane an Allegory for Noble Ladies. 1653[/note] To cover noble lovers with the[note]with the] in Shepherds 1653[/note] weeds Of ragged shepherds, too low[note]ragged shepherds, too low] high descent, too humble 1653[/note] thoughts it breeds, Like as when men make gods…
A Description of a Shepherd’s and a Shepherdess’s Life
[note]a Shepherd’s and a Shepherdess’s Life] Shepherds, and Shepherdesses. 1653; a Shepherds, and Shepherdesses Life. 1664[/note] The shepherdesses which great flocks do keep Are dabbled high with dew following their sheep, Milking their ewes, their hands do[note]do] doth 1664, 1668[/note] dirty make, For being[note]being] they being 1664; they, being 1668[/note] wet, dirt from their duggs…
The Brain Compared to the Elysium
[note]The Brain Compared to the Elysium] The Elysium. 1653[/note] The brain is the[note]the] like th’ 1664; like the 1668[/note] Elysian fields, for there[note]for there] and here 1653[/note] All ghosts and spirits in strong dreams appear. In gloomy shades do sleepy lovers[note]do sleepy lovers] sleepy Lovers doe 1653[/note] walk, And[note]And] Where 1653[/note] souls do entertain themselves…
Upon the Theme of Love
[note]Upon the Theme of Love] Of the Theam of Love. 1653[/note] O love, how thou art tired out with rhyme! Thou art a tree whereon all poets climb, And from thy tender branches everyone[note]tender branches everyone] branches every one takes some 1653[/note] Doth take some[note]Doth take some] Of thy sweet 1653[/note] fruit, which fancy feeds…