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Royal Casino/Surrey Music Hall

Venue Type & Location

Music Hall


  • Address: West Bar. For a current map, Click Here.

  • Alternate Names: Youdan's Casino, Surrey Theatre & Music Hall.

  • Performance Space Description: Information about this venue has not yet been compiled; however, some sense of the performance space may be gleaned by following the links at right. In particular:

  • See the 'Bibliographic Sources' link for a provisional list of venue-relevant resources (both primary and secondary). Wherever possible (i.e. when the pertinent text is relatively short and/or easily condensed) this material has been transcribed, and appears beneath the appropriate bibliographic citation.

  • See the 'Events at venue' link for a listing of blackface/minstrelsy-related events that took place in this performance space (with attached bibliographic references).

    Beth Marquis

  • Troupes at Royal Casino/Surrey Music Hall

    Film Affiliated people Film Type # of event(s)
    Barlow, W.R. Barlow, W.R. Minstrel Definite Barlow, W.R.
    Brothers Redman, The Circus Definite Brothers Redman, The
    Holmes, J.B. Holmes, J.B. Minstrel Definite Holmes, J.B.
    Hutsfield Minstrel Definite Hutsfield
    Juba (1850-1851) Juba, Minstrel Definite Juba (1850-1851)
    Kaffir Chiefs Exhibition Possible Kaffir Chiefs
    Lawrence, Sentimental & Comic Negro Vocalist Minstrel Definite Lawrence, Sentimental & Comic Negro Vocalist
    Mackney, E.W. Mackney, E.W. Minstrel Definite Mackney, E.W.
    Murphy, J., The American Jumbo Murphy (Jumbo), J. Minstrel Definite Murphy, J., The American Jumbo
    Nash Minstrel Definite Nash
    Sullivan, J. Sullivan, J. Minstrel Definite Sullivan, J.

    Events at Royal Casino/Surrey Music Hall

    Event Date Venue Location Film
    Exhibition - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Kaffir Chiefs
    Minstrel Show - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Mackney, E.W.
    Minstrel Show - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Murphy, J., The American Jumbo
    Unknown - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Murphy, J., The American Jumbo
    Minstrel Show - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Brothers Redman, The
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Holmes, J.B.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Juba (1850-1851)
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Mackney, E.W.
    Minstrel Show - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Sullivan, J.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Holmes, J.B.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Holmes, J.B.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Mackney, E.W.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Mackney, E.W.
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Hutsfield
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Lawrence, Sentimental & Comic Negro Vocalist
    Variety - Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Nash

    Bibliographic Sources

    • Sheffield Times May 11, 1850: 8: 1.
      Info in Record:
      • proprietor/lessee
      • venue description/décor/performance environment
    • Era (London) April 21, 1850: 12: 1.
      Info in Record:
      • proprietor/lessee:
        (“Mr. T. Youdan”)
    • Sheffield Daily Telegraph September 13, 1930: Referenced in University of Bristol, Barker Collection.
    • Sheffield Daily Telegraph September 15, 1930: Referenced in University of Bristol, Barker Collection.
    • "Sheffield's Life Stories" Chapter; Referenced in University of Bristol, Barker Collection
    • University of Bristol, Kathleen Barker Collection KB/3: Sheffield Cuttings Vol 8, p6:
    • University of Bristol, Kathleen Barker Collection KB/3: Sheffield Cuttings Vol 49, p34:
    • Sheffield Independent March 17, 1849: Referenced in University of Bristol, Barker Collection.
    • Sheffield Independent March 24, 1849: Referenced in University of Bristol, Barker Collection.
    • Era (London) November 30, 1851: 12:1.
    • East Ardsley, Wakefield: EP Publishing Limited, 1978

      “Undoubtedly the most famous of the town’s theatres was the ‘Surrey Music Hall’ in West Bar. One of the first of its kind in the United Kingdom, it combined a theatre, ballroom and menagerie. It was certainly the most beautiful and was considered second only to Covent Garden in London. The splendid ballroom was surrounded by enormous mirrors and magnificent pictures and it possessed a fine decorated ceiling. The owner of this remarkable building was Thomas Youdan, always known as Tommy. The theatre specialized in melodrama and Tommy believed that everything on the stage should be as realistic as possible. Unfortunately on the 25th March 1865 when a play called ‘The Streets of London’ was in progress, a scene where the houses were to catch fire became too realistic and the stage scenery caught alight. The fire spread round the theatre and all the building, including the ballroom and menagerie, was gutted. From 1865 to 1880 the ruins of this once magnificent theatre remained, until they were cleared away to make room for other buildings. “The remarkable Tommy Youdan was undismayed by his thirty thousand pound loss and he decided to open again at new premises called the ‘Royal Alexandra Theatre’ in Blonk Street. Always called by the Sheffield townsfolk the ‘Old Alex’, this theatre had a stage that projected over the River Don. Though the programmes often consisted of opera, the singers would keep the audiences happy by inserting popular songs between the arias and encouraging all to join in the choruses. After Tommy Youdan died, the ‘Old Alex’ passed through various hands and was finally closed in 1914, to be demolished the following year. Another theatre that suffered the same fate as the Surrey Music Hall was the Alhambra, in Union Street, which was burnt down in 1822. (236-9)

    • ”The Surrey Music Hall, Sheffield

      The Surrey Music Hall was built in 1851 and was demolished after a fire in 1865.”