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Adelaide Gallery

Venue Type & Location



  • Address: Adelaide Street, West Strand. For a current map, Click Here. For an historical map showing the venue (in addition to the one excerpted at right), Click Here.

  • Alternate Names: Laurent’s Casino, National Gallery of Practical Science, the Apollonicon. Royal Marionette Theatre (post-1852).

  • Performance Space Description: Information about this venue has not yet been compiled; however, some sense of the performance space may be gleaned by following the links at right. In particular:

  • See the 'Bibliographic Sources' link for a provisional list of venue-relevant resources (both primary and secondary). Wherever possible (i.e. when the pertinent text is relatively short and/or easily condensed) this material has been transcribed, and appears beneath the appropriate bibliographic citation.

  • See the ‘Events at venue’ link for a listing of blackface/minstrelsy-related events that took place in this performance space (with attached bibliographic references).

    Beth Marquis

  • Troupes at Adelaide Gallery

    Film Affiliated people Film Type # of event(s)
    Barlow, W.R. Barlow, W.R. Minstrel Definite Barlow, W.R.
    Bedford, Paul Dramatic Definite Bedford, Paul
    Female American Serenaders Rosa, Minstrel Definite Female American Serenaders
    Female American Serenaders Woski, Minstrel Definite Female American Serenaders
    Female American Serenaders Womba, Minstrel Definite Female American Serenaders
    Female American Serenaders Cora, Minstrel Definite Female American Serenaders
    Female American Serenaders Miami, Minstrel Definite Female American Serenaders
    Female American Serenaders Jumba, Minstrel Definite Female American Serenaders
    Female American Serenaders Hodson, G.A. Minstrel Definite Female American Serenaders
    Female American Serenaders Yarico, Minstrel Definite Female American Serenaders
    Glindon, R. Vocal Entertainment Definite Glindon, R.
    Green Bushes Troupe (London-Adelphi, 45) Dramatic Definite Green Bushes Troupe (London-Adelphi, 45)
    Lantum Serenaders Adwin, Minstrel Definite Lantum Serenaders
    Lantum Serenaders Laurain, Minstrel Definite Lantum Serenaders
    Lantum Serenaders Dryce, Minstrel Definite Lantum Serenaders
    Lantum Serenaders Marley, Minstrel Definite Lantum Serenaders
    Lantum Serenaders Stainer, Minstrel Definite Lantum Serenaders
    Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43) Hill, Vocal Entertainment Definite Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43)
    Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43) Hamblin, Vocal Entertainment Definite Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43)
    Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43) Hutchings, Vocal Entertainment Definite Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43)
    Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43) Anderson (Night in America), Vocal Entertainment Definite Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43)
    Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes) 'di Fiore' (Marionette), 'Sig. Tulippo' Minstrel Definite Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes) 'Willow' (Marionette), Minstrel Definite Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes) 'Geranium' (Marionette), Minstrel Definite Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes) 'Varnum' (Marionette), 'Lignum' Minstrel Definite Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes) 'Hazelton' (Marionette), Minstrel Definite Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes) 'Pine' (Marionette), Minstrel Definite Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes) 'Satinwood' (Marionette), Minstrel Definite Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes) Brown, Albany Minstrel Definite Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)

    Events at Adelaide Gallery

    Event Date Venue Location Film
    Circus - London, London (city-county) Night in America Troupe (London-Adelaide, 43)
    Dramatic - London, London (city-county) Green Bushes Troupe (London-Adelphi, 45)
    Minstrel Show - London, London (city-county) Female American Serenaders
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Concert - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Lantum Serenaders
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Lantum Serenaders
    Marionette Entertainment - London, London (city-county) Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Marionette Entertainment - London, London (city-county) Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Marionette Entertainment - London, London (city-county) Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Marionette Entertainment - London, London (city-county) Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Marionette Entertainment - London, London (city-county) Royal Marionette Theatre (inc. Ebony Marionettes)
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Glindon, R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Glindon, R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Glindon, R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Lantum Serenaders
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Variety - London, London (city-county) Barlow, W.R.
    Dramatic - London, London (city-county) Bedford, Paul

    Bibliographic Sources

    • Bell’s Life in London October 3, 1847: 2:5.
    • London: The Library Association, 1970
    • London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1868

      “MARIONETTE THEATRE, Adelaide-street, Strand, was originally the Adelaide Gallery, and was altered for the clever performances of Marionettes, or puppets, in 1852” (785).
    • London: David Bogue, 1855

      The information provided within this source is much the same as that given within the 1868 edition of the book.
    • London: H.G. Clarke & Co., 1851

      “…At the end, towards St Martin's Church, is the Adelaide Gallery, now used as a Music Hall, for which it is admirably adapted, and in which that magnificent instrument, the Apollonicon, may be heard daily” (379).

    • (Under Entertainment & Recreation - Museums, Public Buildings & Galleries - Adelaide Gallery)