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Parker, (--)

Biographical Overview

Birth Date: 0
Death Date: 0


American Southern Minstrels - Bone Castanets
possibly Dumbolton's Serenaders (48-49)?

Troupe Affiliation

Troupe Name Troupe Type # of events
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1
Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49) Minstrel 1

Event Naming Person

Event Type Date Location Troupe
Variety - Cider Cellars, London, London (city-county) Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)
Variety - Cider Cellars, London, London (city-county) Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)
Minstrel Show - St. James Theatre, London, London (city-county) Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)
Minstrel Show - St. James Theatre, London, London (city-county) Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)
Minstrel Show - St. James Theatre, London, London (city-county) Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)
Concert - Princess' Theatre, London, London (city-county) Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)
Minstrel Show - Newburgh Rooms, Cannon Place, Brighton, Sussex Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)
Minstrel Show - St. James Theatre, London, London (city-county) Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)
Minstrel Show - St. James Theatre, London, London (city-county) Dumbolton's Serenaders (1848-49)

Sounds & Acts

Title Type Number of Events Found
1 Back-action, Spring-heel, Locomotive Breakdown Dance 5 event(s)
2 Finale from La Somnambula Song 1 event(s)
3 Fine Old Coloured Gemman, De Song 3 event(s)
4 Ginger Blue Song 1 event(s)
5 Grape Vine Twist Dance 1 event(s)
6 Life in New York Play 1 event(s)
7 Light of Oder Days, The Song 1 event(s)
8 Overture Song 1 event(s)
9 Parody, with Pleasing Whistling Accompaniment Song 3 event(s)
10 Pas Seul Dance 1 event(s)