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My Poll Troupe (Sheffield, 45)

Troupe Type

Troupe Member(s)


only those known to be directly involved in the performance of race listed above.
  • Zinga - Mr. Birch
  • Zamba - Mrs. Shaw
  • Capt. Oakheart - Mr. E. O'Donnell
  • Lieut. Manly - Mr. Royston
  • Black Brandon - Mr. Norman
  • Ben Bowse - Mr. Robinson
  • Harry Hallyard - Mr. H. Frazer
  • Joe Tiller - Mr. G. Taylor
  • Watchful Waxend - Mr. Ware
  • Will Wall-it - Mr. Corri
  • Sam Snatchem - Mr. Andrews
  • Sam Sculler - Mr. Saville
  • Sentinel - Mr. Shaw
  • Mary Maybud - Mrs. W. H. Crisp
  • Abigail Holdforth - Mrs. H. Frazer
  • Dame Hallyard - Mrs. Lonsdale
  • Event(s) listed for this troupe

    Event Type Venue Location Dates
    Dramatic Theatre Royal, Sheffield Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Sheffield -
    Dramatic Theatre Royal, Sheffield Theatre Royal, Sheffield, Yorkshire: West Riding Sheffield -