Event Type
Minstrel Show
Performers Listed:
- Germon
- Harrington
- Pell
- Stanwood
- White
Other Venue Info Available:
- proprietor/lessee
Other Event Info Available:
- audience
- context
- performance time
- programme (general)
- reception
- ticket info
Other Troupe Info Available:
- troupe moniker
Note: All ‘Other Info’ Categories list information that can be found about each item in relation to this event and/or the writings surrounding it.
Event Details
Troupe: Ethiopian Serenaders (1846-48)
Troupe: Ethiopian Serenaders (1846-48)
Troupe: Ethiopian Serenaders (1846-48)
Troupe: Ethiopian Serenaders (1846-48)
Troupe: Ethiopian Serenaders (1846-48)
Troupe: Ethiopian Serenaders (1846-48)
Venue Type: Church
Location: London
County: London (city-county)
Type: Minstrel Show
Venue: St. James Theatre
Location: London
County: London (city-county)
Type: Minstrel Show
Venue: St. James Theatre
Date notes
<div class="noteheading">Performance Days Within Run:</div>
<ul class="notes">
<LI>Monday Morning (April 13)
<LI>Tuesday Evening (April 14)
<LI>Wednesday Morning (April 15)
<LI>Thursday Evening (April 16)
<LI>Friday Morning (April 17)
<LI>Saturday Evening (April 18)
<p class='noteEntry'><strong>Part of a longer run <br>
(February – August, 1846) </strong></p>
<ul class="notes">
<LI>Monday Morning (April 13)
<LI>Tuesday Evening (April 14)
<LI>Wednesday Morning (April 15)
<LI>Thursday Evening (April 16)
<LI>Friday Morning (April 17)
<LI>Saturday Evening (April 18)
<p class='noteEntry'><strong>Part of a longer run <br>
(February – August, 1846) </strong></p>
Event Program
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Title | Performed Person / Troupe | Notes | Type | |||
Bibliographic Sources
- Theatrical Journal (London) May 16, 1846: 158:1.Info in Record:
- Performance Type: Minstrel Show
- Troupe Name: “Ethiopian Serenaders”
- Days & Times: April 13-18, 21, 23, 25, 28 & 30.
- Venue Name: “St. James’s”
- Other: (surrounding events at venue)
- Observer (London) April 5, 1846: 1: 1.Performance Type Indicated:
- Minstrel Show
Troupe Name as Given:- “Ethiopian Singers”
- “Ethiopian Serenaders”
Performers Listed:- “Pell, White, Harrington, Stanwood, and Germon”
Days & Times Given:- “attractive entertainment will continue During Easter Week, on Monday Morning, April 13, Tuesday Evening, April 14, Wednesday Morning, April 15, Thursday Evening, April 16, Friday Morning, April 17, Saturday Evening, April 18”
Other Acts on Bill Listed:- none
Other Info in Record:- context
(“during Easter Week”) - performance time
(“The Morning Performances will commence at half-past two o’clock; the Evening Performances at half-past eight o’clock”) - ticket info
(“Boxes and Stalls may be secured at Mr. Mitchell’s Royal Library, 33, Old Bond-street; and at the Box-office of the Theatre”)
- Morning Chronicle (London) April 6, 1846: 4.Performance Type Indicated:
- Minstrel Show
Troupe Name as Given:- “Ethiopian Singers”
- “Ethiopian Serenaders”
Troupe Size Given:- 5 (implied)
Performers Listed:- “Peel (sic), White, Harrington, Stanwood, and Germon”
Days & Times Given:- “During Easter Week, on Monday Morning next, April 13, Tuesday Evening, Wednesday Morning, Thursday Evening, Friday Morning, and Saturday Evening”
Other Acts on Bill Listed:- none
Other Info in Record:- context
- performance time
- reception
- ticket info
- Observer (London) April 12, 1846: 1: 1.Performance Type Indicated:
- Minstrel Show
Troupe Name as Given:- “Ethiopian Singers”
- “Ethiopian Serenaders”
Performers Listed:- none
Days & Times Given:- “During Easter Week, To-Morrow Morning, April 13, Tuesday Evening, April 14, Wednesday Morning, April 15, Thursday Evening, April 16, Friday Morning, April 17, and Saturday Evening April 18”
Other Acts on Bill Listed:- none
Other Info in Record:- context
(“during Easter Week”) - performance time
(“The Morning Performances will commence at half-past two o’clock; the Evening Performances at half-past eight o’clock”) - programme (general)
(“The programme will include all their most admired Glees, Songs, &c.” - ticket info
(“Boxes, 4s.; Pit, 2s.. Stalls and Private Boxes may be engaged at Mr. Mitchell’s Royal Library, 33, Old Bond-street, and at the Box-office of the Theatre”)
- Observer (London) April 13, 1846: 4.Performance Type Indicated:
- Minstrel Show
Troupe Name as Given:- “Ethiopian Serenaders”
Performers Listed:- none
Days & Times Given:- “Morning Performances to take place on Monday,Wednesday, and Friday”
- “The evening entertainments on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday”
Other Acts on Bill Listed:- none
Other Info in Record:- context
(“for the holiday week”)
- Morning Chronicle (London) April 17, 1846: 5: 1.Performance Type Indicated:
- Minstrel Show
Troupe Name as Given:- “Ethiopian Serenaders”
Troupe Size Given:- not listed
Performers Listed:- none
Days & Times Given:- “last evening”
Other Acts on Bill Listed:- none
Other Info in Record:- audience
("a full and brilliant audience" including "the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort, the Marchioness of Worchester, Lord and Lady Aylmer, Earl and Countess Kinnoul, Count Esterhazy, &c. &c.")
- Morning Chronicle (London) April 4, 1846: 5: 1.Performance Type Indicated:
- Minstrel Show
Troupe Name as Given:- “Ethiopian Serenaders”
Troupe Size Given:- not listed
Performers Listed:- none
Days & Times Given:- “Easter Monday, April 13, when they will resume their attractive Entertainment”
Other Acts on Bill Listed:- none
Other Info in Record:- none for this event
- Morning Chronicle (London) April 20, 1846: 4: 1.Performance Type Indicated:
- Minstrel Show
Troupe Name as Given:- “Ethiopian Singers”
- “Ethiopian Serenaders”
Troupe Size Given:- not listed
Performers Listed:- none
Days & Times Given:- not specified
Other Acts on Bill Listed:- none
Other Info in Record:- reception
- Era (London) April 5, 1846: 4:2.Info in Record:
- Performance Type: Minstrel Show
- Troupe Name: “Ethiopian Serenaders”
- Performers Listed: “Pell, White, Harrington, Stanwood, and Germon”
- Days & Times: “On Monday Morning, April 13; Tuesday Evening, April 14; Wednesday Morning, April 15; Thursday Evening, April 16; Friday Morning, April 17; Saturday Evening, April 18.
- Venue Name: “St. James’s Theatre”
- Other: description/review, performance time, ticket info
- Era (London) April 12, 1846: 6:2.Info in Record:
- Performance Type: Minstrel Show
- Troupe Name: “Ethiopian Serenaders”
- Days & Times: “this week”
- Venue Name: “St. James’s Theatre”
- Other: context, description/review
- Era (London) April 12, 1846: 2:3.Info in Record:
- Performance Type: Minstrel Show
- Troupe Name: “Ethiopian Serenaders”
- Venue Name: “St. James’s Theatre”
- Other: context, other (endorsement as a good Easter entertainment)
- Bell's Life in London April 5, 1846: 2:1.Info in Record:
- Performance Type: Minstrel Show
- Troupe Name: “Ethiopian Singers”, “the Ethiopian Serenaders”
- Days & Times: “will be continued during Easter Week, on Monday Morning, April 13, Tuesday Evening, April 14, Wednesday Morning, April 15, Thursday Evening, April 16, Friday Morning, April 17, Saturday Evening, April 18”
- Venue Name: “St. James’s Theatre”
- Other: performance time, ticket info
- Bell's Life in London April 12, 1846: 2;1.Info in Record:
- Performance Type: Minstrel Show
- Troupe Name: “Ethiopian Singers”, “the Ethiopian Serenaders”
- Days & Times: “will be continued during Easter Week, Tomorrow Morning, April 13, Tuesday Evening, April 14, Wednesday Morning, April 15, Thursday Evening, April 16, Friday Morning, April 17, Saturday Evening, April 18”
- Venue Name: “St. James’s Theatre”
- Program Info: “The programme will include all their most popular Glees, Songs, etc.”
- Other: performance time, ticket info
- Bell's Life in London April 12, 1846: 2:4.Info in Record:
- Performance Type: Minstrel Show
- Troupe Name: “Ethiopian Serenaders”
- Days & Times: “three morning and three evening performances for the holiday week. The morning performances will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the evening entertainments on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.”
- Venue Name: “St. James’s Theatre”
- Other: description/review (brief)
- Bell's Life in London April 19, 1846: 2:5.Info in Record:
- Performance Type: Minstrel Show
- Troupe Name: “The Ethiopian Serenaders”
- Days & Times: “on Tuesday” (past)
- Venue Name: “St. James’s Theatre”
- Program Info: “songs”, “part singing”.
- Other: audience, description/review, reception