Bibliographic Sources


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The following bibliographic sources were used in JUBA's research. Specific bibliographic sources are also linked from individual person, event, venue and troupe pages.

The Bibliography contains all sources used to compile the Early Blackface Minstrelsy in Britain Database. At this stage of our data entry, most documentation you will find here will be from nineteenth century daily and weekly British journals, searched by our Research Participants; all such entries are linked to one or more of the database entries: Event, Individual, Troupe, Venue, Documentation.

Theatrical Journal (London) November 20, 1847: 377:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 1, 1846: 242:1-243:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 27, 1844: 132:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) November 10, 1852: 359.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 28, 1847: 277:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) January 24, 1846: 29:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 24, 1849: 161:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) June 13, 1850: 191: 1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 8, 1852: 385:2, 386:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 10, 1847: 113:2-114:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) February 18, 1852: 51:2-52:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) November 20, 1847: 378:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) February 7, 1850: 42:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 1, 1846: 244:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 25, 1844: 167:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 21, 1847: 272:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) November 28, 1850: 484.
Theatrical Journal (London) January 31, 1846: 39:2-40:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) February 22, 1849: 62:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 1, 1847: 140:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) June 27, 1850: 207.
Theatrical Journal (London) November 18, 1843: 368:1.
Info in Record: Note about Jim Crow Rice in the “Chit Chat” column: “It is possible that Jim Crow Rice would consent to play Drury Lane for ten pounds a night, but it is not probable that Mr. Bunn will engage him for even ten pence.”
Theatrical Journal (London) December 8, 1852: 391:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 10, 1847: 114:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 1, 1850: 348.
Theatrical Journal (London) November 27, 1847: 386:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 8, 1846: 249:1-250:1.
Info in Record: A piece about the value of relaxation and repose, which quickly takes on a political tenor. Amongst other things, it includes the following: “We may be termed in some measure a ‘facetious nation;’ we pay millions to emancipate the black slave, whilst we do much to rivet his fetter on our own countrymen, making them more slaves than those to whom we presented joy and freedom.”
Theatrical Journal (London) June 22, 1844: 197:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) October 13, 1852: 323:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) September 13, 1847: 295:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) January 24, 1846: 30:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 17, 1849: 157:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 1, 1847: 141:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 8, 1852: 391:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 10, 1847: 115:1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 4, 1847: 392:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 15, 1846: 262:2-263:1.
Info in Record: Reprint of a notice (originally from a French paper), which suggests that Van Amburgh died after being mauled by a tiger during a performance in Voonsucket, U.S. in early June, 1846.
Theatrical Journal (London) June 29, 1844: 206:2.
Info in Record: Suggestion (in the “Chit Chat” section) that Mr. Dunn, “the celebrated English Jim Crow” will travel to America “at the suggestion of Mr. Rice.”
Theatrical Journal (London) October 6, 1852: 314: 2.
Theatrical Journal (London) September 18, 1847: 300:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) March 17, 1852: 82:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) January 24, 1846: 31:1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 8, 1847: 149:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 30, 1850: 175.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 15, 1852: 399:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 10, 1847: 116:2-117:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 4, 1847: 394:2.
Document Note: Reprinted (with slight variations) in this paper on December 11, 1847. Info in Record: Advertisement for Sheet Music: “The Nigger’s History of the World,” written by Mr. R.W. Pelham.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 15, 1846: 263:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 10, 1844: 255:1.
Info in Record: Paragraph in the ‘County Theatres’ section about Mr. W. Robertson’s failed theatrical campaign. Suggests that an actor named Rogers “can play anything from Hamlet and Othello to Gabriel Homespun and Jim Crow.”
Theatrical Journal (London) July 10, 1851: 225:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) October 25, 1849: 339:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) September 13, 1847: 295:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) January 31, 1846: 36:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 15, 1847: 153-4.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 16, 1850: 167.
Theatrical Journal (London) January 4, 1849: 1:2, 2:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 10, 1847: 120:2.
Document Note: Reprinted (with slight variations) in this paper on April 17, 1847 (128:1).
Theatrical Journal (London) December 12, 1846: 398:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) June 19, 1851: 202:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 11, 1847: 399:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 18, 1847: 405:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 29, 1843: 132:2, 133:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) July 28, 1852: 240:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) January 14, 1852: 14:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 15, 1846: 263:1.
Info in Record: ’Chit Chat’ item, which claims that “Mr. Rice, the celebrated ‘Jim Crow,’ has been deprived of speech and the use of his limbs, by a stroke of paralysis.”
Theatrical Journal (London) December 7, 1844: 389:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) September 18, 1847: 303:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) November 5, 1851: 370:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) February 7, 1846: 43:2-45.
Info in Record: ”Tales of the Drama, By an Old Stager. No. IV. – The Jealous Husband”. The first installment of a (seemingly fictional) story about a jealous, Othello-like actor.
Theatrical Journal (London) July 19, 1849: 224:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 15, 1847: 155:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) June 2, 1852: 171:1-172:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 22, 1852: 406:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 17, 1847: 121:1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 19, 1846: 402:1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 18, 1847: 407.
Theatrical Journal (London) July 1, 1843: 204:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 22, 1846: 266:1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) January 18, 1845: 23:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) September 18, 1847: 303:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 8, 1851: 151:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) February 7, 1846: 47:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) March 28, 1850: 103:1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) May 15, 1847: 155:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 17, 1847: 126:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 19, 1846: 405:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 25, 1847: 412:1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) July 23, 1851: 240:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) September 22, 1852: 299:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) August 22, 1846: 267:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 4, 1850: 119:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) September 18, 1847: 306:2.
Document Note: Reprinted (with slight variations) in this paper on September 25, 1847 (314:2)
Theatrical Journal (London) February 14, 1846: 55:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) July 19, 1849: 225:2, 226:1 .
Theatrical Journal (London) May 22, 1847: 161-2.
Info in Record: Piece entitled ‘The English Serenader’, which compares British Ballad singers to blackface minstrels. Notes the popularity of minstrelsy at the time, and lists 10 blackface troupes currently performing in London.
Theatrical Journal (London) October 17, 1850: 434:1-2.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 29, 1852: 409:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) April 24, 1847: 130:1.
Theatrical Journal (London) December 19, 1846: 405:2.
Theatrical Journal (London) February 3, 1844: 38:2.