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Performers & Companies

Displaying 801 - 850 of 1861
Performers and Companies:   A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All  
Title Patron Troupe Type # of events
Marshall, Olive Dramatic 1
Martin Erwin Dramatic 1
Martin Harvey Dramatic 1
Martin-Harvey Dramatic 0
Martinez Company Dramatic 0
Martinez English Co. (starring Mlle Martinez) Dramatic 1
Mary Anderson and Aikes Lawrence Dramatic 1
Mary Copp Dramatic 1
Mary Hampton Dramatic 1
Mary Hampton and company Dramatic 1
Mary Tempest Dramatic 1
Master Clarence Circus 1
Master Dean Dramatic 1
Master Dixon from New York's Park Theater Dramatic 1
Master Floyd Minstrel 4
Master Hutchings Mixed 1
Master Jennings Circus 1
Master Johnson Dramatic 1
Master Leslie Circus 2
Master Lyons 1
Master Newton 2
Master Nixon Circus 1
Master Stevens Circus 1
Master T. Baker 0
Master Willie Circus 1
Master Wilmot Circus 4
Matheson Lang Dramatic 1
Mathews, Charles Dramatic 0
Mathews, T. Variety 5
Maude Adams Dramatic 0
Maude Adams Dramatic 1
Maude Adams, William Hawtry, Henrietta Crossman, Marie Dressler, Robert Mantell, Mrs. Fiske, Gertrude Elliott, Fritzi Scheff, and E. H Sothern and Julia Marlowe Variety 0
Maude Eburne Dramatic 1
Maude Odell, "The $10,000 beauty" Other 0
Maule's Quadrille Band Band 3
Maurice Colbourne and his London Company Dramatic 1
Max Strakosch Grand English Opera Co Opera 0
Maxine Elliott Unknown 0
May Fiske's Blondes Dramatic 0
May Melville and Robert Higgens Dramatic 0
Mayfair Players (Rance Quarrington dir.) Dramatic 0
McCarthy & McColl`s Company Dramatic 1
McCaull Opera Company Opera 0
McCurdy's Chapel Tea Meeting Troupe (68) Supper/Festival 1
McDowell Comedy Company Dramatic 1
McEvoy's Cyclorama Troupe Band 0
McGee, Thomas D'Arcy Lecture 3
McIntyre and Heath and W. C. Fields Dramatic 0
McIntyre and Heath, followed by Alice Lloyd, Al Jolson and Primrose and Dockstader Variety 0
McIntyre and Heath, minstrel black face comedians Minstrel 0