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HMS Niagara

Venue Type & Location

Site Name: Unlocated site
Country: Frontenac
Location: Kingston, Ontario
Location Type: Town - multiple sites at uncertain locations


Also Known As HMS Royal George

"HMS Royal George was a 20-gun ship of the Provincial Marine. She carried a crew of 200 and had been launched at the royal naval dockyard in Kingston in July 1809. 

By November 1812 she was the largest warship afloat on Lake Ontario. Her captain was Commodore Hugh Earle."

Lea, Michael. "When Kingston was on the frontlines." Kingston Whig. 9 Nov 2012. Accessed 26 Jun 2017.



She was launched at the Kingston Royal Naval Dockyard in Kingston, Ontario, in July 1809. Royal George was renamed Niagara in 1814 and was sold in 1837." 

"HMS Royal George (1809)." Accessed 26 Jun 2017.