If[note]If] Though 1664, 1668[/note] atoms are as small as small can be,
They must in quantity[note]They must in quantity] Yet they in Bulk 1664; Yet they, in Bulk 1668[/note] of matter all agree.
And if consisting matter of the same be right,[note]consisting matter of the same be right,] this Bulk be right, each Atome must 1664; this Bulk be right, each Atom must 1668[/note]
Then every atom must weigh just alike.[note]Then every atom must weigh just alike.] Be needs of such a Weight that’s like and just: 1664; Needs be of such a Weight , that’s like, and just. 1668[/note]
Thus quantity, quality, and weight, all[note]quality, and weight, all] Weight, Quality, do all 1664, 1668[/note]                          5
Together meet[note]meet] meets 1653[/note] in every atom small.