[note]A marginal note in Cavendish’s 1664 and 1668 texts reads, “Bolsover Castle.” This note does not appear in 1653. The “Knight” in question is Sir Charles Cavendish, Margaret Cavendish’s brother-in-law, and the dedicatee of this volume. According to Whitaker, the meeting described in this poem happened when Charles visited the castle in 1652, when he had returned with Margaret Cavendish to England so she could petition for her husband’s estates; see Whitaker, Mad Madge, 148.[/note]
Alas, poor Castle, how great is thy change[note]great is thy change] thou now art chang’d 1653 [/note]
From thy first form! To me thou dost seem strange.
I left thee comely and in perfect health;
Now thou art withered and decayed in wealth.
O noble Sir, I from your stock was raised, 5
Flourished in plenty, and by all men praised,
For your most valiant father did me build,
Your brother furnished me, my neck did gild,
And towers on[note]And towers on] Towers upon 1664, 1668 [/note] my head like crowns were placed,[note]A marginal note in Cavendish’s 1653 text reads, “The crest in the wainscot gilt.” This note does not appear in 1664 or 1668. [/note]
Walls, like a girdle, went about[note]Walls, like a girdle, went about] Like to a Girdle, Walls went round 1653 [/note] my waist. 10
And on this pleasant hill he set me high,
To view[note]To view] Viewing 1653 [/note] the vales below as they do[note]do] did 1653 [/note] lie,
Where like a garden is each field and close,[note]like a garden is each field and close,] every Feild, like Gardens, is inclos’d, 1653 [/note]
Where fresh green grass and yellow cowslip grows.[note]cowslip grows.] Cowslips grow’d. 1653 [/note]
There did I see fat sheep in pastures go, 15
And hear[note]And hear] Hearing 1653 [/note] the cows, whose bags were full, to low.
By wars I’m[note]I’m] am 1653 [/note] now destroyed, all rights o’erpowered;
Beauty and innocency are devoured.
Before these wars I was in my full prime,
And held[note]held] thought 1653 [/note] the greatest beauty in my time. 20
But, noble Sir, since I did see you last,
Within me hath[note]hath] has 1664, 1668 [/note] a garrison been placed,
Their guns, and pistols all about me hung,
And in despite their bullets at me flung,
Which through my sides those passages you see[note]those passages you see] they passages made out, 1653 [/note] 25
Made, and destroyed the walls that circled me,[note]Made, and destroyed the walls that circled me,] Flung downe my Walls, that circl’d me about. 1653 [/note]
And left[note]left] let 1653 [/note] my rubbish on huge heaps to lie.
With dust I’m[note]I’m] am 1653 [/note] choked, for want of water, dry,
For those small leaden pipes which winding lay
Under the ground, the water to convey, 30
Were all cut off; the water, murmuring,
Run back with grief to tell it to the spring.
My windows all are[note]windows all are] Windows 1664, 1668 [/note] broke; the wind blows in;[note]in;] in, and make, 1664, 1668 [/note]
With cold I shake, with agues shivering.[note]With cold I shake, with agues shivering.] That I with Cold like Shivering Agues shake: 1664; That I, with Cold, like Shivering Agues shake. 1668 [/note]
O pity me, dear Sir, release my band, 35
Or let me die by your most noble hand.
Alas, poor Castle, I small help can bring,
Yet shall my heart supply the former spring
From whence the water of fresh tears shall rise;
To quench thy drought, I’ll[note]I’ll] will 1653 [/note] spout them from mine eyes. 40
That wealth I have[note]I have] have I, 1664. In the 1664 Errata list, “have I” is corrected back to “I have”, which correction is also carried forward into 1668. [/note] for to release thy woe,
I’ll offer for a ransom to thy foe.
But to restore thy health and[note]But to restore thy health and] Thy Health recover, and to 1653 [/note] build thy wall,
I have not means enough to do’t withal.
Had I the art, no pains then[note]then] that 1653 [/note] I would spare, 45
But all what’s[note]But all what’s] For what is 1653 [/note] broken down I would repair.
Most noble Sir, you that me freedom give,
May your great name in after ages live.
This your great[note]This your great] For this your 1653 [/note] bounty may the gods requite,
And keep you from such enemies and[note]and] of 1653 [/note] spite, 50
And may great Fame your praises sound aloud.
Gods give me life to show my gratitude.[note]gratitude.] Gratitude! 1664, 1668 [/note]