Of the Four Principle Sorts of Atoms

[note]In 1653 this poem is called “Of the Sympathy of Atoms”[/note]

Atoms by sympathy[note]Atoms by sympathy] By Sympathy, Atomes 1653[/note] are fixèd so,
As past some principles they do not go.
For count the[note]For count the] Which 1664, 1668[/note] principles of all their works,[note]of all their works,] if you in every kind 1664; if you in every Kind 1668[/note]
You’ll find there are not many several sorts.[note]You’ll find there are not many several sorts.] Of all their works do count, you few will find; 1664; Of all their Works, do count, you few will find: 1668[/note]
For when they do dissolve and new forms[note]and new forms] new Forms to 1664; New Forms to 1668[/note] make,      5
They still to their first principles do take.
All creatures, howsoe’er they may be named,[note]All creatures, howsoe’er they may be named,] As Animals, Vegetables, Minerals; 1653[/note]
Are of long, square, flat, or sharp atoms framed.[note]Are of long, square, flat, or sharp atoms framed.] So Aire, Fire, Earth, Water falls. 1653[/note]