Of Contracting and Dilating, Whereby Vacuum Must Needs Follow

Contracting and dilating of each part:
These are[note]These are] It is 1653[/note] the chiefest works[note]works] worke 1653[/note] of Motion’s art.
But[note]But] Yet 1653[/note] Motion can’t dilate nor yet contract
A body which is close, firm, and[note]is close, firm, and] at first is close 1653; is clear, firm, and 1664. In the 1664 Errata list, “clear” is corrected to “close”; this correction is carried forward into 1668.[/note] compact,
Unless at first an empty place be[note]be] was 1653[/note] found,                            5
Wherein to[note]Wherein to] To 1653[/note] spread those compact bodies round.
Neither can matter fluid contract so[note]Neither can matter fluid contract so] Nor fluid matter can contract up 1653[/note] close,
But by contracting it some place must lose.